On Human Sacrifice

Human Sacrifice: A Shocking Expose of Ritual Killings Worldwide (2008)
Jimmy Lee Shreeve

It is always difficult to review a friend's book, especially when it is a signed gift - a bad review might offend and a good review be distrusted. Fortunately, Jimmy Lee Shreeve is one of the least 'precious' of litterateurs, a man who consciously models his style on American 'gonzo' journalism, a man for whom criticism is like water off a duck's back. So it is with some pleasure that I can say that this book really is worth reading, assuming that you have a strong stomach and that you take it for what it is and not for what you might like to be. The book is published by Barricade whose list includes quite a large number of more conventional true crime books that concentrate on one of America's greatest gifts to the world - the 'romance' of organised crime. From this perspective, 'Human Sacrifice' is definitely a bit offbeat because it is looking at murder not as business or art or compulsion but as religious tool.

Shreeve's own perspective is basically Ayn Rand with balls. But with a twist. He has a finely tuned sense of the use of Magick, of the shamanic, of voodoo, of imagination and of the 'irrational'. The ambiguity of human sacrifice fascinates him. First, it was possibly what our own ancestors did. Second, it can be surprisingly sophisticated in its reasoning. Third, its religious component is often sincere - people really do believe in the amoral spirit world that underpins the 'crime'. Human sacrifice for 'spiritual' reasons certainly raises disturbing questions about cultural relativism and 'savagery' that are extremely inconvenient in our politically correct age.

There are two aspects of this book worth mentioning - style and content. The style is very engaging if you are prepared to accept it as tabloid journalism. In-depth research (Shreeve wears his learning lightly but he ticks all the right boxes here) is combined with direct interviews with key figures, personal experience (when perhaps he gets most lyrical to the point of his reader not quite suppressing a smile at his booze-fuelled adventures and meetings with Mr. D), some hearsay and transcripts of his radio show. With some writers this melange could have descended into a mess - he is disarming about how he had problems with finishing a chapter or understanding an issue - but somehow he makes it all hang together. But the book must rise or fall as 'true crime' on its content. The style is not in the Truman Capote league but it does serves its purpose of keeping the reader going and stimulated.

Over 300 or so pages, he takes a look at the disturbing 'torso in the Thames' case where the victim (a young boy) seems likely to have been murdered for black magic purposes, the 'muti' culture of Africa (a key element in the recent 'District 9' film from South Africa), 'Satanic' killings in Germany and the US (often linked to disaffected youth in the heavy metal culture), survivals of Andean human sacrifice and grave robbing for the Palo Moyembe cult in the hispanic communities of North America. There are also passing references to the possible role of human sacrifice amongst the drug lords of Mexico and the well-attested survival of human sacrifice in some Indian Tantric cults. Apart from the murders linked to disturbed Western kids (which, it has to be said, are rare), nearly all these killings are linked to extremely deprived third world cultures which are being disrupted by modernisation.

Shreeve is a liberal sort of guy with respect for other cultures, though less respect for religion as a whole, but it is hard not to draw the conclusion that some serious savagery (if we include honour killings, female circumcision and so forth alongside magickal murder) is on the very edge of normal in some parts of the so-called South. Worse, this nightmare of cruelty that might have come from an HP Lovecraft tale as something 'other' appeared at one time to be leaching into the West through mass economic migration. Killing for criminal magical benefit is probably very rare in the West and not common in the South but the good folk of New Jersey and other East Coast cities are not inclined to feel very progressive when grannies' bones turn up in a cauldron in a nearby shaman's lair and the local migrants cannot see that they have done anything wrong in making use of them.

Similarly, the leaching of 'bad' religion is not just about the wrong end of 'Juju' or Muti but is also embedded in primitive Christianity. On the one hand, Christian activists have been persecuting non-criminal pagans with tales of sorcery involving suggestions of human sacrifice while others of their type have been 'beating the devil' out of little girls. Western social services are caught between the rock of liberal respect for other cultures and the hard place of the demand that the authorities police abuse amongst people of very low education with beliefs that are, shall we say, challenging. Most nice middle class people do not see the rising new edge of this culture clash in the inner cities where village life is transported into a sophisticated welfare society by the simple expedient of getting on a jumbo jet and walking through some very weak border controls.

But let's be clear - the abuses are exceptional in their worst form, the blood rites reported by Shreeve, although, no doubt, for each of these few cases, there are tens of thousands of incidents of petty viciousness born of poverty and habit that go on behind closed doors and which are widely tolerated as customary. The worry is that the requirements of social order may mean that abuses are allowed to continue and be covered up rather than allow fear to drive these cultures underground or their extreme examples fuel intercommunal conflict with the modern equivalent of the 'Jewish blood libel'. Yet poverty does breed crime and magical or shamanic practice is used to buttress the power of local drug lords. Keeping things in the open and informally monitored is good policy. One of the themes of the book is how drug, crime and political interests in the third world can resort to extreme magickal measures, including killing, in order to gain power and advantage. Once this sort of thinking is embedded in a society, it can become extremely difficult to eradicate.

The authorities' approach to Palo Moyembe in the US, for example, is increasingly to treat it as a legitimate religion and then to try and contain and control its grave-robbing - but one suspects that African 'Muti' may be a much more formidable problem with body parts having a value that encourages a culture of killing where life is cheap. Unfortunately, this is not a well documented world. Shreeve does his best but it is clear that, at times (and a reason for the four rather than five stars of the review), he takes a story, as a tabloid journalist might, that could be true but turns it into something that is probably true only as far as he is concerned. The most extreme story in the book (a truly gruesome story of horrific African sacrifice by 'two hundred cuts') has the feel of an urban legend from start to finish.

Most of the magical influx into the West is an eclectic and intensified, perhaps neurotic, version of tribal and cultural practices that were once suppressed with more or less success by district administrators and priests. Fifty years of failed decolonisation combined with the stresses and strains of globalisation may have rebuilt a base for practices that are sometimes the last hope of extremely frightened and poor people so that it is very credible that extreme magickal solutions, involving a revival of human sacrifice and murdering for body parts, should emerge. This is 'Ghost Dance' stuff rather than a genuine community-based expression of traditionalist religious practice.

It is certainly questionable just how prevalent all this is. My guess is that the revival of radical traditionalist religions is a very real phenomenon and that the use of extreme solutions to problems still exists in pockets but that it is still only the most extreme personalities who are engaging in the worst excesses. And perhaps these are just people who would be a Jeffrey Dahmer in our world where there is no need to coat desire in spiritual mumbo-jumbo. Most other people muddle along in their particular spiritual insanity in developed and developing world alike without causing much harm to others. I am equally persuaded in reading this book that the liberal-minded determination to deny that claims of extreme practices are just a form of racism are also unfounded. These crimes are not perpetrated by 'black' people, they are perpetrated by people who are extremely ignorant, frightened and poor or are sociopaths you will find in any cultural community and who just happen to have darker skins. There is still no excuse for racism here but when the crime does exist (as in imported South Asian child abuse) it should be called out.

As Shreeve points out, when white people were extremely ignorant, frightened and poor - and living in their equivalent of the anarchic conditions of Africa, upper Peru or the Mexican border - they were also engaged in similar 'magickal' and shamanic projects that also resulted in attested cases of deliberate killing for 'spiritual' purposes. The witch hunts of the Early Modern era were murderous and 'spiritual' and could be regarded as variants of human sacrifice. This raises a big policy issue for the West. There are two different ways of dealing with the 'import' of socially negative forms of magick since it cannot be fully suppressed - partly because the oppressive act of suppression in itself binds the magickal more effectively to their magick. The obvious way is to deal with the issues raised is in the way that the US East Coast police authorities are handling Palo Moyembe - through understanding, dialogue and education of both sides in the community.

Ideally, the West would also be educating poor South Americans and Africans but on their own terms although the scale of the task is so huge. There are no jobs for all the educated and third worlders themselves bridle at what they see as cultural imperialism by the back door. The progressive impulse of the Western centre-left drove policy in the direction of investment in the third world, especially in education, until recently as a means of bringing peasant populations into something approaching a cultural middle class. The truth is, however, that the money has run out for this as a forward policy and the policy was never one adequate in scale or integrated with the material needs of populations. Governments are going to be hard pressed even to maintain the programmes that they have in their own inner cities.

It was only a matter of time before the pressure on budgets and on social expectations (especially when the indigenous populations of the West get spooked) are concentrated on very specific abuses in which the authorities have to take action against the culture and beiefs of migrants. In the UK, it took an inordinate amount of time to deal with forced marriages and honour killings let alone female circumcision and child abuse because no one wanted to be 'racist'. Courageous centre-left political figures had to shift the agenda from one of racism to women's rights to get some of these matters dealt with. Great progress has been made in the last decade but getting the authorities to act was initially like squeezing blood out of a stone, As to 'human sacrifice, although not currently an immediate problem, there are clues that third world 'spiritual' practices that involve abuse (such as Christian fundamentalist treatment of children), 'muti' and basic fraud could become an issue that permits extremity of another order. Mass migration and emerging world deprivation are powder kegs in which different basic human rights and freedoms conflict with each other and with lack of resources.

Shreeve's book (though he does not go down this political route) is an important starting point in opening up a debate ourselves before it is opened up in an infinitely nastier way by some social services failure or scandal. It is also littered with interesting insights into magical and shamanic thinking. Although none of it will be new to people who have moved in those circles, it should be educative for anyone fascinated by true crime and who is more used to books on forensics or the doings of the Lucchese family.  It has to be said that in the fifteen or so years since this book was published, matters have not got worse and possibly they have got much better as far as the West is concerned. Policing and public policy appeared to recognise the issues early and to have adjusted accordingly. Certainly, while murder for pleasure or profit still happens a fair amount, murder for 'spiritual' or magical reasons does not.

Shreeve, for all his bragaddocio, gun-toting and gin (and, yes, he presents that image in his real life despite being a Norfolk-based family man), is a very humane individual. He could have followed tabloid instincts and presented a paradigm of savagery based on Daily Mail editorialising that would have sucked in every Aryan Brother or BNP member from miles around - but he does not do so. He sees the desire for magical succour and the actuality of shamanic experience as part of the human condition, one that, eventually, we will grow out of as we mature. I am not at all convinced by his attempt to explain the human condition in his final chapter along left brain/right brain lines but he is on the right path. As I put to him in a private note, reasoning or rationalism and magick or imagination are merely tools of a sophisticated 'rational' self that makes judgements that are not fully rational in the positivist sense but are rational from the existential perspective of that person.

Human sacrifice can sometimes become a rational crime based on deep belief under certain extreme conditions and in certain types of culture. Having managed, with much labour, to push much of that type of thinking to one side in the educated and prosperous West, it is now vital to stop its re-entry by the back door of migration. There is no excuse for excessive tolerance of what we should not be afraid to call imported savagery, whether Christian fundamentalist or 'Muti'. There is a separate public debate, still suppressed by the bien-pensants, to be had about mass migration and national sustainability but this is not the same as a debate on a social commitment to an investment in monitoring abusive social practices and containing such abuse while showing respect for belief systems that have an important role in allowing village people to adjust to modern urban life. If we are to have mass migration, then let's not be irresponsible about its social effects.